
To control potential risks


Bad History

The verification of the adverse record(s) of candidates is a key link in background investigation. Digging deep into the risks and values of the candidates provides accurate data for HR recruitment, which furthers the decision-making of employers.

The following verification items are covered


Risk Rating of Adverse Records

Whether the candidate has any criminal records.


Litigation Record(s)

Whether the candidate is involved in any publicized civil or criminal litigations.


Contingent Liabilities

Whether the candidate has any financial risks such as multiplatform loans, overdue peer-to-peer loans or fraudulent conducts.


Default on Tax and Other Payments

Whether the candidate has any records of default on tax and other payments.


Credit Risk

Whether the candidate is listed as a deadbeat, dishonest judgment debtor or person subject to enforcement, or has any records of high-level consumption restriction or exit and entry ban.

AEGIS offers professional investigation services

find risks and win the future


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